2024 Mid-Atlantic Beef Classic Jackpot Show SPECIAL RULES BREEDING CATTLE & STEERS
1. OWNERSHIP - Cattle must be owned by the exhibitor listed on the entry at time of entry and at the time of show.
2. EXHIBITOR ELIGIBILITY · All exhibitors must be 3 years of age as of show day including 21 years of age by January 1 of the current year. Exhibitor must be able to handle and show the animal exhibited.
3. REGISTRATION - “All breeding cattle must be registered with their respective breed association. All Animals must be properly tattooed and will be inspected at the show. Tattoos must be legible and must properly match the registration certificate. Absent, unreadable, or mismatched tattoos will result in disqualification from showing in the breed class, they will be moved to the crossbred division. Steers may be purebred, grade or crossbred. Market Heifer classes, will be shown on Sunday, prior to steers, Champions will be eligible to compete for overall Market Animal Champion. Purebred divisions include Angus, Hereford, Maintainer, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Simmental, Sim-Solution, etc., All Other Breeds show will be comprised of all breeds with less than 5 head entered at the close of check-in.
4. ENTRY ELIGIBILITY Entry must have been owned by and registered in the name of the junior exhibitor. Dual ownership will not be permitted (no exceptions). Bred and owned animals’ date of birth will be considered the owned-by date. Breeder and owner must be identical on the registration certificate.
5. All heifers must be born between September 2022 and December 2023. All steers must be born in 2023.
6. HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONS - All cattle must comply with the Health Rules.
7. ENTRY FEES - $45 per head, online entries only, early entry date is by March 1st. Entries after March 1st will be $65 per head.
8. SUBSTITUTIONS - Will not be accepted. No refunds.
9. ARRIVAL TIME - Barns will be open at 8a.m., Friday, March 15th. Heifers must be in place and checked in no later than Friday night by 7 p.m., and steers must be in place and checked in no later than 7 p.m., Saturday, March 16th.
10. Stalling is first come first serve, if you require special needs please contact show management at time of entry. If you are interested in reserved stalling see the stalling reservation form on the Showman app. Show management reserves the right to adjust stalling allotments. No chutes or tack in stalling areas. Tie-out space is limited to trailers; all tie-out bedding must be cleaned up before leaving the show.
11. RELEASE TIME - Heifers will be released at the conclusion of the heifer show and steers at the conclusion of the steer show.
12. Large classes in each breed may be split into more than one class at the discretion of the show committee.
13. HEIFERS must be checked in 12:00p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, March 15th.
14. WEIGHING - All Steers and market heifers must be checked in and weighed by 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 16th.
15. SHOW RING ESCAPE- As of 2018 a “3 Strike” rule will be implemented. Assistance by another junior exhibitor will be allowed after the first escape, if the animal escapes 3 times, the exhibitor will be asked to leave the ring for the safety of all other exhibitors.
16. Unethical or abusive activities are not allowed and will result in disqualification of the exhibitor from the show at the sole decision of the Southeast PA Beef Classic Jackpot Show Management.
17. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to see that their animal is present at the specified time and place for weighing and showing. Due to the joint show venture exhibitors are required to have a substitute showman in the event an exhibitor is showing in both rings at the same time. We will do our best to allow the exhibitor to show in both shows.
18. The displaying of farm signs, banners, etc. over exhibits is encouraged. These displays must in no way interfere with other exhibitors.
19. Showmanship Classes: The show committee makes the heats for each division, the judges determine who gets called back from each heat (some heats may have 2, some may have 3 or 4, etc.). Each division will have the top 2 chosen. The top 2 from each division will return for the selection of 1 overall showmanship winner.